Capital solutions
Raising equity
Alpha Volantis’s investment professionals have been establishing (global) contacts with Private Equity & Infrastructure funds and direct investors for over 30 years.
The goal will be equity raising for your growth and/or expansion strategy even in combination with existing companies active in the same sector (buy & build)
The aim could also be to sell your company or project (partly) as your exit strategy as a shareholder
Alpha Volantis provides access to very specific sectors in all geografies including emerging markets.
Sectors like sustainable cleantech, med or biotech, renewable energy, agri & aquaculture, SDG related impact investing, growth of the middle class in Emerging markets

Green bonds
Increasingly, there is a high demand for CO2 negative, sustainable & renewable investments and projects.
The Green Deal initiative of Europe with objectives for 2050 and driven by corresponding political regulation are driving these (global) changes.

Arranging a (Green) Bond programme
A bond programme in general is flexible and may be broken down into several tranches enabling smaller “drawings” as a project is developing or follow-on financing is only required periodically over a longer term of time.
This flexible proposition offers interests cost savings over financing the entire enterprise or project in full at inception.
Once the bond programme is approved it is usually listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange or other European exchange upon request.
Luxembourg remains one of the leading centres for securitised Green bonds and private placement offerings in the European Union.
Listing provide comfort from a corporate governance perspective and access to (institutionalised) investors.
Cleantech energy
Despite growth in all renewable energy sources, the World is still in the early stages of developing “green” sources of power. Harnessing water, sunlight, wind, bio fuels and all other green methods allow countries to transition away from carbon based energy production.
Fighting climate change is trigger economic growth and provide access to affordable, clean and reliable CO2 neutral electricity sources. Alpha Volantis is focused on providing capital solutions for renewable energy. Next to equity capital; green bonds fit the balance sheet perfectly.
We work closely with sponsors throughout the development process, managing the complexities of project finance transactions to ensure financial close. With our unique mandate of arranging equity capital & Green bonds, Alpha Volantis provide its clients with the advantage of ensuring their renewable energy projects are properly structured to receive priority attention.
We are in contact with all sponsors of wind, solar, small hydro, geothermal and ethanol projects and are working on their behalf also to arrange bank debt financing to fund their clean energy projects.

Agri- & aquaculture technology
Alpha Volantis is assists the private sector by providing access to long-term financing solutions in any field of the global agri- and aquaculture environment.
We assists clients, in close cooperation with Dutch operational agri- & aquaculture consultants to obtain equity and loans to expand production facilities and bring additional land or water under cultivation. Whether it’s coffee, fruits, vegetables, dairy, fish farms or other agricultural items, our experts partners understand the sector globally very well and we work closely with our clients to create opportunities and improve peoples’ lives while providing capital solutions.
Funding projects to expand agricultural output is a high priority for development institutions. Alpha Volantis has contact with all Western European development banks including Worldbank’s IFC to allocate capital for projects that benefit farmers, create employment, and expand businesses.
Alpha Volantis has global contacts with infrastructure structure sponsers to finance infra projects ranging from A – Z; from seaports to (toll) roadways – from airports to hotel resorts and ship terminals. Both in developed as in emerging markets.
Alpha Volantis takes an integrated approach to writing information memorandums, structuring transactions and creating financial models, all uniquely tailored to each infrastructure project with the goal to generate and implement the best capital solution for the project.
We have strong relationships with key decision makers at development bank so debt momentum in emerging markets can easily be created next to all global infrastructure funds providing equity; next to issuing project (Green) bonds at Western Europe Stock exchanges to leverage the proposition.

Sustainable technologies
Alpha Volantis’ global relationships in the early/seed stage upto venture capital landscape is crucial to arranging equity for the start-up and growth companies in sectors like the medical, biomedical, pharma, foodtech and other cleantech related sectors.
We have extensive contacts with sponsors leveraging their vision in their investment strategies and looking for innovative products that are one step ahead of market expectations.
See for relevant sectors our Asset Management section where the sectors are mentioned in which Alpha Volantis is able to leverage it’s contacts globally, both for Capital Solutions as for Fidiciary Management servicing UHNWI, Familly offices and smaller insitutions in their asset management solution.